AJIRYU Climbing

We held Ajiryu climbing on 7th June.Although It had been the rainy season,It was a fine day.
Many members(Japanes,Chinese,Thai,Malaysian,SriLankan) came.Althogh we had never meet each other,we made friends at once without feeling a wall of language.So It passed good time.
↑in top of Mt.Hinode.
We was surprised at looking at nature in Tokyo because I had felt Tokyo was metropolis.After climbing, we refreshed not only our body but also our mind in spa.
It was a nice day for all members.
Feeling of participants
‘It was good chance for me to have a spa for the first time.It made me very very refreshed.And I was surprised there is scene such as top of mountain in Tokyo.’ by Thai
‘I refreshed my body and mind in nature’by Japanese
‘I had only a few friends because I nowadays have come to tokyo.But today,I made many friends.’by Chinese



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